Why Australia ?
Australia is a leading global education powerhouse and has the third largest number of foreign students in the world. Australia has seven of the top 100 universities in the world!
Globally recognized degree
Employers and universities all over the world recognize Australian degree and other certificates. Graduates from Australia are successful in finding jobs and hold prominent positions worldwide.
Work Permit
International students in Australia can work up to 40 hours per fortnight. The average pay rate is 25 AUD per hour. This allows them to earn money, gain useful work experience in a foreign setting and meet new people. Besides that international students can also benefit from scholarship opportunities.
Research and innovation
Australia has produced 15 Nobel prize laureates and every day over 1 billion people around the world rely on Australian discoveries and innovations – including penicillin, IVF, ultrasound, Wi-Fi, the Bionic Ear, cervical cancer vaccine and Black Box Flight Recorders – to make their lives, and the lives of others better.